Lynn Anderson
Title: Managing PartnerCompany: Neri Capital Partners
Industry: Business Broker
Phone Number: (404) 931-5103
About Neri Capital Partners
Founded in 2006, Neri Capital is a leading independent boutique Investment Bank and Advisory Firm with significant transactional experience. The firm’s clients are owners of privately-held and family owned businesses… main-street, micro-cap, and lower mid-market. Neri Capital Partners has earned a reputation of providing clients impartial advice, in-depth analysis, transactional expertise and execution, which are conducted in a shroud of absolute confidentiality.
Lynn Anderson, is the leader of Neri Capital’s Healthcare focused market area, with experience supporting dental, medical, and veterinarian practices earning a reputation as a trusted advisor that consistently achieves results by providing and executing customized solutions that are designed to meet our client’s objectives. Over the last decade, Neri Capital has closed 130+ transactions with a cumulative value of over $1.2 billion.
Our experience has prepared our firm as uniquely qualified to offer clients a variety of advisory services including:
Seller Representations
Sector Specific Business Searches
Exit Planning for Business Owners
The Importance of Confidentiality
The reasons to maintain confidentiality within your own business should be immediately apparent. Rumors of a sale or acquisition can cause uneasiness and instability among office managers and employees. Employees may look for other positions, or disengage if they feel the future of the business, and their own role within it, is uncertain. Neri Capital Partners addresses this by entering into a confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement with all potential clients at the beginning of discussions, thus ensuring that any information provided to us is subject to the highest levels of protection. During the sale process, we maintain confidentiality by conducting meetings off-site, and by adhering to the client’s wishes about how to be contacted, and where and how to send them information. Having a trusted advisor helps keep a sale or acquisition confidential by maintaining some separation between the workings of the transaction, and the ongoing day to day operations of the business. With an advisor, not only do you have a confidential space to hold meetings, conference calls, and planning sessions, you are able to continue devoting your time and energy to the daily tasks of running your business effectively.
Neri Capital Partners Pledge to You
Neri Capital Partners has a fundamental obligation to act in the best interest of our Clients. We maintain a belief that we owe a duty of undivided loyalty, and utmost good faith, and will not engage in any activity in conflict with the Client’s interest. This high standard aligns Neri Capital Partners with their Clients as they seek to grow, improve financial performance, divest or seek total liquidity for their business.
Ms. Anderson leverages her 30-years of work experience gained in the military, government, and in the corporate consulting environment to support the needs of her clients with a variety of advisory services focused on dentists and other healthcare related business owners. With Ernst & Young and Capgemini Consulting Ms. Anderson provided small business leaders a framework, strategy, and the necessary tools to effectively manage, grow, and expand their businesses. Ms. Anderson is also a Certified Professional Business Coach, and Professional Project manager.
Ms. Anderson earned her MBA Degree from the University of Nebraska, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Operations Research and Computer Science from the U.S. Air Force Academy.